[parution] The Materiality of Writing
Vient de paraître:
C. Mosbæk Johannessen et T. van Leeuwen (dir.), The Materiality of Writing. A trace-making perspective, Londres: Routledge, coll. Studies in Multimodality, 2017.
Table des matières
Introduction – Christian Mosbæk Johannessen and Theo van Leeuwen
1. The production and perception of handwritten traces – Aurelie Lagarrigue and Marieke Longcamp
2. Touchlines: Manual Inscription and Haptic Perception – Tim Ingold
3. Graphic trace-making as articulated-expressive trajectories of movement: De-textualizing and de-stratifying graphic traces – Paul J. Thibault
4. Ink under my nails – Brody L. Neuenschwander
5. The European Lettering Institute: Or how being left-handed challenged well established mark making methodologies – Lieve Cornil
6. The Discipline of Tracing in Architectural Drawing – Raymond Lucas
7. Contemporary Western Calligraphy: Written Marks as Visible Rhythms – Karine Bouchy
8. Expressing identity in Microsoft Word: A critical discussion of the stylistic normativity of templates and software – Gunhild Kvåle
9. (Ir)regularity – Christian Mosbæk Johannessen and Theo van Leeuwen
10. Losing to gain: Balancing style and texture in the Starbucks logo – Giorgia Aiello
11. Traces in Public Spaces. Studying religious signs in social frames – Anne Løvland and Pål Repstad
12. Calligraphy as Graphically Autonomous Form. A corpus study of Persian calligraphic letterforms using a multimodal approach – Mahdiyeh Meidani
13. Signifying intimate needs in public spaces – Elise Seip Tønnessen
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Karine Bouchy (10 décembre 2017). [parution] The Materiality of Writing. CEEI. Consulté le 13 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/mhtf