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[Conférence] Rencontre avec Daniela Zhang Cziráková sur son ouvrage “Breaking the Ink -Abstract Ink Art in Mainland China” vendredi 4 février 2022 à 17h30

Rencontres Asie-Sorbonne, vendredi 4 février 2022, 17h30-19h, sur Zoom (en anglais). Inscription préalable à Daniela Zhang Cziráková, chercheure à l’Institute of Oriental Studies, Slovak Academy of Sciences, présentera son ouvrage Breaking the Ink -Abstract Ink Art in Mainland China publié en 2020 chez Veda.

“My work is the first comprehensive study on this subject in world art theory, and it is the result of my twenty years of research. I analyze the significant changes in Chinese artistic circles towards abstract painting and the new position of ink painting in Chinese culture, which has been the bearer of Chinese national identity since ancient times. I mention the social attitudes of abstract artists towards the Chinese tradition, philosophy and history which influence their work.

Abstract art in the strict sense has been present in mainland China only for the last few decades. Nevertheless, more and more Chinese artists are turning to abstraction at a time when abstract art is gradually losing its popularity in the global world. However, the 20th century was an epoch when China became acquainted with Western art. To some extent, we can call the 20th century in China a century of realism. In recent years, the cultural atmosphere in the country has changed, and some artists in an effort to define their unique style are trying to turn to the roots of Chinese culture. Artists encouraged by the impact of Western art trends have also uncovered abstract elements in the ancient Chinese tradition. But they do so in a manner that differs from it.”

Cet événement s’inscrit dans la programmation des Rencontres Asie-Sorbonne. Il prendra la forme d’une présentation de 45 minutes, suivie d’une discussion (en anglais).

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Marie Laureillard (6 janvier 2022). [Conférence] Rencontre avec Daniela Zhang Cziráková sur son ouvrage “Breaking the Ink -Abstract Ink Art in Mainland China” vendredi 4 février 2022 à 17h30. CEEI. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse

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